Aviation abbreviations and acronyms
The following list of 'abbreviations and acronyms' are commonly used in aviation and may be found throughout aviation legislation, operational manuals, in the AIP, in NOTAMs.
The abbreviations and acronyms have been sourced from various areas, such as ICAO, AIP, the AIS and IATA.
This is the most common abbreviations to use, but not all, of course:-
ABT | About | AIS |
ABV | Above... | AIS |
ACFT | Aircraft | AIS |
A/C | Aircraft |
ACK | Acknowledge | AIS |
ACPT | Accept, accepted | AIS |
A/D | Aerodrome | ICAO/AIP |
ADDN | Addition, additional | AIS |
ADZ | Advise | AIS |
AFT | After | AIS |
AGA | Again | ICAO |
ALTN | Alternate (aerodrome) | AIS |
A/P | Airplane(US), Aeroplane | ICAO |
APR | April | ICAO/AIP |
APRX | Approximate, Approximately | AIS |
APU | Auxiliary power unit | ICAO |
ARR | Arrive, Arrival | AIS |
ASAP | As Soon as Possible | AIS |
ATA | Actual Time of Arrival | AIS |
ATC | Air Traffic Control (in general) | ICAO/AIP |
ATD | Actual Time of Departure | AIS |
ATS | Air Traffic Service(s) |
ATTN | Attention | AIS |
AUG | August | AIS |
AVBL | Available | AIS |
AWY | Airway | ICAO/AIP |
BLW | Below | AIS |
CAA | Civil Aviation Authority |
CAT | Category | AIS |
CFM | Confirm, I confirm | AIS |
CHTR | Charter | AIS |
CK | Check | AIS |
CLR | Clear, Cleared to... Clearance | AIS |
CNL | Cancel | AIS |
COR | Correct, Correction | AIS |
DEP | Depart, Departure Message | AIS |
DEST | Destination | AIS |
DIST | Distance | AIS |
DLA | Delay | ICAO/AIP |
DLY | Daily | AIS |
EET | Estimated Elapsed Time | AIS |
EMERG | Emergency | AIS |
EQPT | Equipment | AIS |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival | AIS |
ETD | Estimated Time of Departure | AIS |
EV | Every | AIS |
EXC | Except | AIS |
EXP | Expect, Expected | AIS |
FAC | Facility, Facilities | AIS |
FCST | Forecast | AIS |
FEB | February | AIS |
FIA | Flight Information Area | AIS |
FIC | Flight Information Centre | AIS |
FIO | Flight Information Office | AIS |
FIR | Flight Information Region | ICAO/AIP |
FLD | Field | AIS |
FLTCK | Flight check | ICAO/AIP |
FLW | Follow(s), Following | AIS |
FM | From | AIS |
FPL | Filed Flight Plan Message | AIS |
FPR | Flight Plan Route | AIS |
FRI | Friday | ICAO |
FS | Flight Service (in general) | AIS |
FST | First | AIS |
GEN | General | AIS |
GND | Ground | AIS |
HEL | Helicopter | AIS |
HOSP | Hospital Aircraft | AIS |
HR | Hours | AIS |
IATA | International Air Transport Association |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization | ICAO |
IMG | Immigration | AIS |
IMT | Immediate, Immediately | AIS |
INFO | Information | AIS |
INP | If not possible | ICAO |
INPR | In progress | ICAO |
INTL | International | AIS |
IR | Ice on runway | ICAO |
JAN | January | AIS |
JUL | July | AIS |
JUN | June | AIS |
KG (kg) | Kilograms | AIS |
KM (km) | Kilometers | AIS |
LTD | Limited | AIS |
LVE | Leave, Leaving | AIS |
LVL | Level | AIS |
MAINT | Maintenance | AIS |
MAR | March | AIS |
MAX | Maximum | AIS |
MIL | Military | AIS |
MIN | Minutes | AIS |
MISC | Miscellaneous | AIS |
MNM | Minimum | AIS |
MNT | Monitor, Monitoring | AIS |
MNTN | Maintain, Maintained, Maintaining | AIS |
MON | Monday | AIS |
MOV | Move, Moved, Moving, Movement | AIS |
NEG | Negative | AIS |
NGT | Night | AIS |
NIL | None | AIS |
NML | Normal | AIS |
NOTAM | Notice To Airmen | AIP |
NTL | National | AIS |
NXT | Next | AIS |
PAX | Passengers | AIS |
PLN | Flight Plan | AIS |
PPR | Prior Permission Required | AIS |
PRKG | Parking | AIS |
PROC | Procedure | AIS |
PVT | Private | AIS |
REC | Receive, Receiver, Received | AIS |
REF | Reference to... Refer to... | AIS |
REG | Registration | AIS |
REQ | Request, Requested | AIS |
RFC | Request for change |
RMK | Remark(s) | AIS |
RQ | Require(d) | AIS |
RQMNTS | Requirements | AIS |
RTE | Route | AIS |
RTN | Return, Returned, Returning | AIS |
RWY | Runway | AIS |
SDBY | Standby | AIS |
SEP | September | AIS |
SER | Service, Servicing, Served | AIS |
SKED | Schedule, Scheduled | AIS |
SLW | Slow, Slowly | AIS |
STN | Station | AIS |
SUBJ | Subject to | AIS |
SUN | Sunday | AIS |
SWY | Stopway | AIS |
TAF | Aerodrome Forecast | AIS |
TAX | Taxiing, Taxi | AIS |
TBA | To be advised | AIS |
TFC | Traffic | AIS |
THRU | Through | AIS |
THU | Thursday | AIS |
TIL | Until | AIS |
TKOF | Take-off | AIS |
TUE | Tuesday | AIS |
TWR | Aerodrome Control Tower | AIS |
TWY | Taxiway | AIS |
TYP | Type of Aircraft | AIS |
UNA | Unable | AIS |
UNICOM | Universal Communications |
UNLC | Unlicensed | AIS |
UNL | Unlimited | AIS |
UTC | Coordinated Universal Time | AIS |
VIA | By way of... | AIS |
VIP | Very Important Person | AIS |
WED | Wednesday | AIS |
WO | Without | AIS |
WRNG | Warning | AIS |
WX | Weather | AIS |
YR | Your/s | AIS |
Z | Coordinated Universal Time (Zulu Time) | AIS |
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